Smart Girl Mia Roberts is a Michigan native originally from Detroit, Michigan but now resides in Boston, Massachusetts.
She is currently the Vice President of the Strategic Partnerships at Big Sister Association of Greater Boston and is soon to be starting her own business called FreshPower, which provides training, coaching, and facilitation to help individuals and groups achieve results of cultural, ethnic, racial, age, and gender differences.
She runs FreshPower informally as a structure business as of now.
We sat down with Mia to discuss some of her trials and tribulations, mantras, strong points, and what it means to be a “smart girl” to her.
What has life taught you?
“What has life taught me? …. Persistence matters, is one. And that the people around you make a difference. They can either lift you up or pull you down. I would say, you have control over it. You have influence over your outcome even when it appears that you don’t. It doesn’t matter what situation you’re in, there’s always a tomorrow. Tomorrow is a fresh start. You can always let yourself feel it in the moment because feelings happen but there’s always a fresh start.”
What would your advice be to young girls that might be struggling right now, whether it be financially, academically, or even both?
“You can figure out how to manage it. There’s always somebody around you that wants to help you. All you have to do is look for them. And they show up in places you wouldn’t imagine. So, my message to them is that you are never alone. No matter where you go, you are never alone.”
What do you do to overcome some of life’s obstacles?
“I think for me, what I’ve learned is to get help. And to accept help when it’s offered. I think that we often are taught that we have to do everything on our own. I think we learned that in school, you know like we study by ourselves. It took me a long time to realize that you can ask for help, and that people will help you. You are enough and you are never alone.”
What makes a ‘Smart Girl’ to you?
“I would say, a girl who takes risk. Who believes in herself. Meaning she won’t take no for an answer. And she’s clear about what she wants to do and goes after it. Smart girl is focused on the now with an outlook on the future. A smart girl is somebody who is focused.”
To learn more about Mia’s FreshPower initiatives and inquires please contact her at: [email protected].
Birthday: August 27
Hometown: Detroit, Michigan
Occupation: Vice President of Strategic Partnerships at Big Sister Association of Greater Boston
Business: FreshPower (Starting)
Fun Facts: Got on a train going to the wrong destination, Likes to cycle, Drank “Mead” in a pub in London, And has had turtle soup in Bermuda!